Section One BBS

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Subject: Bad and Duplicate Messages Date: Sat Jul 06 2024 11:59 pm
From: The Pharcyde To: All

                          Bad and Duplicate Messages

Area                                                      Link       Dupe  Bad
─────────────────────────────────────────────────── ──────────────── ──── ────
SYNCDATA                                                     2:301/1   28    -
COOKING                                                      2:301/1   15    -
BBS_ADS                                                      2:301/1    9    -
FIDO-REQ                                                     2:301/1    7    -
SYNC_SYSOPS                                                  2:301/1    6    -
BBS_PROMOTION                                                2:301/1    5    -
BINKD                                                        2:301/1    4    -
POLITICS                                                     2:221/6    4    -
ALLFIX_FILE                                                  2:301/1    3    -
BBS_ADS                                                      2:221/6    3    -
BBS_PROMOTION                                                2:221/6    3    -
POLITICS                                                     2:301/1    2    -
STATS                                                        2:221/6    2    -
WEATHER                                                      2:301/1    2    -
ALLFIX_FILE                                                1:3634/12    1    -
CBM                                                          2:221/6    1    -
FDN_ANNOUNCE                                                 2:301/1    1    -
FIDO-REQ                                                     2:221/6    1    -
OTHERNETS                                                  2:280/464    1    -
OTHERNETS                                                    2:301/1    1    -
SYNC_SYSOPS                                                  2:221/6    1    -
SYNCDATA                                                   2:280/464    1    -
WEATHER                                                      2:221/6    1    -
─────────────────────────────────────────────────── ──────────────── ──── ────
                                   Total 14 area(s)        4 link(s)  102    -

--- v0.92
 * Origin: thePharcyde_ distribution system (1:154/10)

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